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Livro "O Renascer da Bolota"

The idea and original concept of this book belong to the accredited cook Pedro Mendes (who got his name in the Guinness World Records for having cooked the world’s largest omelet in Ferreira do Zêzere), and it is the first work on the subject written in our country, bringing together about thirty recipes with acorn, plus curiosities about this product.

Pedro Mendes was clearly the first cook among us to work a product that nobody wanted: acorn. A ‘wealth’ of the Alentejo and the country.


Recommended by

RFM -’Rocha no Ar’; TVI - Você na TV; CMTV - Prato da Casa; Blogue ‘O País das Uvas’; SIC (20.12.2013); Notícias Magazine (15.12.2013); RTP - ‘Portugal em Directo’; Jornal da Tarde; Rádio Nova (29.08.2013); Nova Gente; Visão; Domingo (Correio da Manhã).

The Acorn Reborn

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  • Pedro Mendes

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