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Livro "Portugal Agora"

The publisher Caminho das Palavras, in partnership with Portugal Agora, is publishing the book Portugal – Strategy and Action, an editorial project that shows possible ways forward in three strategic areas for the country: attractiveness in terms of tourism and investment; education, innovation and research; and entrepreneurship. After close to three years of activity, this concept has become a book with the contributions of well-known personalities in each one of the axes of the project.

Portugal Agora - Strategy and Action

€13.95 Regular Price
€12.56Sale Price
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  • António Câmara, António Lucena de Faria, Arlindo Oliveira, Daniel Traça, Eduardo Marçal Grilo, Gonçalo Rebelo de Almeida, Gonçalo Saraiva Matias, João Taborda da Gama, José Epifânio da Franca, Luís Paulo Salvado, Maria Graça Carvalho, Mário Ceitil, Miguel Frasquilho , Miguel Leocádio, Pedro Rocha Vieira, Ricardo Monteiro and Ricardo Sousa

  • 192 pages, 150x230mm
    ISBN: 978-989-8784-44-5
    ISBN EBOOK: 978-989-8784-45-2
    LAUNCH DATE: June 2017

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